>Fall 2014 VSF, LACA, “Golden State”; Nuit Blanche Toronto w Kathryn Andrews


Scott Benzel Inverted Capitol Spire, steel, cotton, 2014 Scott Benzel Inverted Capitol Spire, steel, cotton, 2014

Inverted Capitol Spire: Programmatic Architecture Displacement #5, steel, cotton, 2014

Various Small Fires, Los Angeles, through Nov. 8, 2014



SBPAD3web"Scott Benzel ammatic Architecture Displacements 6-7"

Programmatic Architecture Displacements 6 and 7 at Los Angeles Contemporary Archives, architectural maquettes, 2014




"Scott-Benzel- Golden-State-Installation-9"

“Golden State”, Samara Golden, Lucy Dodd, Kaari Upson, Lucy Raven, Amy Yao, Pentti Monkkonen, Liz Craft, Mungo Thomson, Scott Benzel, and Theodora Allen, curated by Drew Heitzler, Museum of Contemporary Art, Tucson

27 September 2014—7 December 2014

For Golden State, Heitzler has brought together ten artists from Los Angeles into the Great Hall. Individually and in aggregate their work playfully, cryptically and sometimes menacingly puts one in mind of the characteristic sprit and aesthetic linked with that geographical and political entity formerly known as the El Dorado State. Though where they hail from is undoubtedly important, what really matters, in Heitzler’s words, is that, “the artists make work that presents, in the best way possible, the arguments that make contemporary art interesting, not in terms of a relationship with other disciplines or concerns, but through a rigorous pursuit of the means through which art is meaningful on its own.”

Images by Christian Ramirez.



Split Chorale Plan


Split Choral Kathryn Andrews and Scott Benzel

Nuit Blanche Toronto October 4, 2014, Toronto City Hall

Split Chorale for  Viljo Revell, with Kathryn Andrews

Review: The Buffalo News

Preview: The Globe and Mail


Split Chorale Plan.pdf